4 Loyal dogs block traffic to protect friend who was hit and can’t move

The touching moment was uploaded to YouTube, where it has nearly half a million views.

You can find plenty of information online about dogs being “pack” animals, and how this means that they have protective feelings for their human pack members.

But if you’ve ever been the owner of more than one dog, you’ll know that dogs also feel protective of their kind.

While dog brothers and sisters might not look like they’re particularly protective of each other when they’re play-fighting on the floor or competing over who gets more from the food bowl, they secretly care more than they let on.

You’ll probably get to see very small examples of this when your dogs curl up together to sleep or when one dog heads to the vets and the other looks a little lost.

You’d hope that your pup would never find itself in a life-threatening situation, but in these times, a dog’s protective nature will come out in full.

A video of dogs behaving protectively to one of their canine pack members shows just how strongly dogs feel about looking out for one another.

According to one commenter, the video was taken in Lanzhou, Central China, though there’s no information in the caption to support this.

The camera points at a busy road, where a group of four dogs sit near to another dog lying in the road.

According to the person who posted the video, the dog lying in the road had been knocked down by a car, and the other dogs had arrived to stage a “sit-in” on the road and protect the dog from any further harm.

There’s virtually no information about what happened before and after this video – and whether anyone walking down the road eventually stopped to help.

It’s an unfortunate reality that in some countries, there are so many stray dogs walking the streets that occurrences like this are fairly normal.

What wasn’t normal, though, was the way these dogs chose to rally together to look after their injured friend.

It’s now known whether the dogs knew the injured pup, and whether they even know each other. But they sensed a fellow canine in distress, and they responded by sitting watch over the dog in question.

The video has been viewed nearly half a million times since it was posted in January 2018.

The compassion, loyalty and care shown by the dogs on the road is something that even humans would struggle with.

Many people believe that dogs are smarter, kinder and less prone to prejudice than humans – and we would definitely agree!

A dog wouldn’t think twice to protect anything – a human or another animal. As humans, we’re not all wired to work in the same way.

If this video can teach us anything, it’s to offer a helping hand to those in need, no matter what.

We shouldn’t let our own opinions get in the way of supporting another person when the time is right.

The dogs in this video were prepared to risk their own lives to make sure their fallen friend didn’t fall victim to any more harm on the busy road.

Imagine what the world would be like if we all opened our hearts up in the way that dogs are capable of.

You can scroll down to watch the video of the dogs staging a sit-in around their fellow pup just below.

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